Rethinkdb 0.15.19
RethinkDB client.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[com.apa512/rethinkdb "0.15.19"]
Public variables and functions:
- ->Cursor
- add-global-optargs
- append-changes
- append-result
- close
- deliver-result
- handle-response
- init-connection
- init-protocol
- make-rethink-exception
- query-protocol
- read-init-response
- send-continue-query
- send-first-query
- send-server-query
- send-start-query
- send-stop-query
- setup-consumer
- setup-producer
- with-next-token
Public interface to clj-rethinkdb. You should only need to require this namespace.
Public variables and functions:
- add
- all
- and
- any
- append
- args
- asc
- avg
- between
- branch
- ceil
- change-at
- changes
- circle
- close
- coerce-to
- concat-map
- config
- connect
- contains
- count
- date
- day
- day-of-week
- day-of-year
- db
- db-create
- db-drop
- db-list
- default
- delete
- delete-at
- desc
- difference
- distance
- distinct
- div
- do
- downcase
- during
- epoch-time
- eq
- eq-join
- error
- fill
- filter
- floor
- fn
- for-each
- func
- ge
- geojson
- get
- get-all
- get-field
- get-intersecting
- get-nearest
- group
- gt
- has-fields
- hours
- http
- in-timezone
- includes
- index-create
- index-drop
- index-list
- index-rename
- index-status
- index-wait
- info
- inner-join
- insert
- insert-at
- intersects
- is-empty
- iso8601
- json
- keys
- le
- limit
- line
- literal
- lt
- make-array
- map
- match
- max
- maxval
- merge
- min
- minutes
- minval
- mod
- month
- mul
- ne
- not
- now
- nth
- object
- offsets-of
- or
- order-by
- outer-join
- pluck
- point
- polygon
- polygon-sub
- prepend
- random
- range
- rebalance
- reconfigure
- reduce
- replace
- replace-vars
- round
- run
- sample
- seconds
- server
- set-difference
- set-insert
- set-intersection
- set-union
- skip
- slice
- splice-at
- split
- status
- sub
- sum
- sync
- table
- table-create
- table-drop
- table-list
- time
- time-of-day
- timezone
- to-epoch-time
- to-geojson
- to-iso8601
- type-of
- ungroup
- union
- upcase
- update
- uuid
- values
- wait
- with-fields
- without
- year
- zip